Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Is a post about 12/12/12 a special day where im still doing assignment on tat day. ==
but right after my assignment, me and my bff went to hang out.

we went to idarts and beer fact
was a happy night.
before we play darts.
we ordered the jagar boom and heineken first. right after the shots, the drunken cat appear!!
OMG terrible. The moment you see me keep laughing and keep talking non-stop.
U know that Im Drunk! and my other friend, shut down after 3shots! LOL
sleep for the whole night. While we play darts, She slept beside like a dead cat!
pity and terrible!
was a happy night with them, this is their very first time to see my drunk look.
Non-Stop laughing and talking. enjoy the night. <3 p="p">

Before the things happen

 When each of us getting drunk

 And this is the terrible one! totally SHUT DOWN

 Drunken CAT


Going to Zouk for the doomsday celebration. anyone? meet u there ^^

Friday, December 7, 2012


最近都很少update部落了...天天都在朋友家做功课, 做功课, 做功课
刚刚从台湾回来后, 到今天, 都没有什么出门逛逛. 也从台湾回来后, 都没有什么做工了.
一回来的那天, 不停不停得一直send profile. 希望快点有好消息. 可是一直都没有人打电话给我.
有, 都是叫我去interview, 我很累, 很失望, 本身自己都没有什么喜欢去面试了.因为懒惰和没有信心.一起的每次每次都没有什么中. 以前的我还是去.
结果有3次一次中而已. 知道人家不选我的时候, 真的很失望, 很伤心, 没有信心了.
总是觉得自己真的不够好看, 甚至有时候会怀疑倒地自己适不适合做freelance model.
真的很伤心, 最近去也去了几个面试, 特地带化装包去学校. 在班上, 全部人看着你的状况下-化装!
还有一次, 考试时候, 我特地做后面, 赶快把试卷做完, 然后就开始化装.
然后再赶去塔公车去面试, 结果-? (sorry dear, the client chosen another girl, anyway, thanks for coming ya)
那种心情, 真的是难受! 或许, 一直以来, 都是我自己过去有信心? 过分相信自己的能力? 太高攀自己了. 造成现在的我.
近期的pc fair看到很多认识的朋友都在做工, 而且她们做的, 我都有send profile去, 但是!

难道她们真的比我好看吗? 难道我真的那么糟糕吗???!!!
为什么都不是我???!!! 为什么我中的工期钱都很少???!!!
为什么? 难道我真的不适合做这分工??
很心痛, 有人知道吗?
一直以来的信心, 真的就被打败了!!!!!!!

我每天都祈祷, 我能象她们将, 工作天天来, 工钱高高!!
为什么她们可以, 我不可以???
为什么??? 我还是不相信我是属于不要看的那一类!!

希望, 十二月是个丰收月. 让我在去英国之前, 找到我要找到的钱

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

roommate and housemate

Skipped my Taiwan trip post and also my birthday post first, come to some emotional post!
today! I am frustrated, i give up! i wanted to throw everything and just shift out!
I fucking hate my housemate and roommate! (family)

I don"t understand, why they act like that?
They don't care, they only care about themselves and be lazy for all the time.
Now is school holiday, my both roommate were at home for everyday.

]The elder one only staying with computer 24/7. Once wake up, laptop, before sleep, laptop!
All of the clothes outside on the sofa, she never clear it and she never clean the room as well.
The cloth on the floor that we usually use to wipe our legs before sleep, were MIA for 1 week already.
Most of the time, i were very busy with my assignment and some studies and so i come back late around 11/12am midnight.
And what i got is a tons of shit, where the clothes were on the sofa that suppose to be sited by the people, but now by the clothes and also the bags all are hanging on the pants section, which they are actually on the floor before i came back and put it on there.
Besides, when there are foods from the other housemate, she will just eat all of it never save it for the others. When we asked her, she would just said : ha? i dunno uguys wan. How i know? I eat cant?
OMG!!! what fucking life is she having ?
What fucking things is she doing during the whole day in the house?
I dunno what to name her, she is even worst than a pig, lazy, dirty, messy and irresponsible!

The smallest one were always hanging out with her neighbours who also having school holiday.
When she come up for lunch and dinner, she will only have tibits for the actual meal.
When the lunch and dinner are ready, she will said she is full and wasted the food. ==
Eventhough she eat the tibits, she do have left over and put it everywhere, as in really EVERYWHERE, on the sofa, on the floor, on everywhere that you can imagine.
Sometime, right after she took her tibits, she will put the plastic bag back into the fridge!
How irresponsible is she?

I really felt very frustrated towards both of them. They said, everynight, i came back, is the most annoying moment because I keep calling them to fixed their stuff.
Actually I am the one who suppose to felt annoying because everynight i came back with stress and faced this shit and also faced them.


Friday, November 9, 2012


开学了 8个星期, advanced diploma果然是 advanced diploma, 功课, assignment果然是 advanced很多.
以前都没有那么勤劳, 每天晚上一回到家, 第一件事就是开电脑, 做assignment.
很多东西都是更加in details, more higher level的.
很多问题, 不知道要怎么解决, 不懂要怎样做才是对的.
以前就算不够睡, 下一天还是一样睡不着, 可是现在, 10分钟内立刻睡着, 非常累!

生日过了, 我真的很感谢身边的所有朋友, 谢谢你们的庆祝, 你们的祝福, 每个每个都是个很有心意的. 我真的很开心, 你们的用心帮我庆祝. 我爱你们. 肉麻的东西, 还有照片, 下个post, 我会写! 哈哈, 敬请等待. 

虽然是非常开心,非常感谢 但是我有很不开心的事情, 可能是我自己的太高攀自己的生日? 还是事实是这样?
为什么去年也是这样, 今年也是这样?
不过没关系, 最近很多assignment, 让我变得没有那么多时间去想别的东西, 去emo

近期来, 我变了一些, 比起去年的我, 我的脾气变坏了, 我更加勇敢了, 你惹我, 你就死.
但是, 我还是会看人脸色做人, 在适当的时候, 说适当的话, 做适当的东西.

我最近真的很烦, 很多功课, 朋友的事情, 钱的事情, 时间的事情...... 太多了
明天(星期六)到下个星期六, 学校有个长假, 所以打算放松自己, 暂时离开这个position.

do you know that i started to dislike u?
when i see something, my first thought was i wish you.........................

Thursday, October 18, 2012

我以为, 但我还是放不下

突然, 想起那场恶梦. 那永远都会是我的恶梦, 直到我们分手的那天.
其实我还是放不下, 那么多年, 还是很介意.
虽然当局者你, 或许都已经放下了, 但是我还是不能.
不知道介意什么, 其实自己想的, 自己知道的, 你很爱她, 非常非常爱, 爱到无可救药.
你在部落写的东西, 虽然只是看了一次, 但是每个字, 每一句, 我都记得一清二楚.
你说: 只有她, 才会让你怎么有感觉, 整个人坐立不安!!! 没有想到你们分开了一年, 但是, 原来她还是在你心里最深处最深处的地方, 你是真的真的很爱她, 很想念她, 她的喜欢, 她的不喜欢, 你都记得一清二楚.
我看到我真的很痛, 没有人能了解到底有多痛.
一直以来非常爱, 自以为他也只爱我, 非常爱我的人, 在那杀那竟然..

就如我常说的, 我有时侯真的感觉不到你对我的爱, 你对我的在乎.
我知道在你心里, 你对她的爱, 是无法比较的, 没人能拿来比, 你也不会拿来比.
在我心里, 她在你心里是处于很高很高的位置. 你一直都在保护着她, 我真的觉得自己很傻!
你不会象以前将爱她得爱一个人. 为什么我还要对你那么有感觉? 对你坐立不安? 对你喜欢的, 不喜欢的都记得一清二楚??!
你以前对她的爱, 是独有的, 最深的, 最不理智的, 那我呢?
如果相比起来, 你真的比爱我更爱她的话, 就告诉我, 放开我吧, 我真的感受不到你对我的不立志, 坐立不安, 你的在乎, 你的所有, 一切一切都比不上她!!!
我越想越不开心, 告诉朋友, 其实不是很在乎这件事, 都那么久了, 时间会冲淡一切.
但是其实心里, 她是最大的恶梦.
要我放下? 其实是很难的一件事, 可说是不可能, 每次说相信你, 但是我真的放不下.
其实我真的很怕, 不是怕她, 是怕你, 真的自以为的你, 和现实的你, 在那杀那, 顿时变得很陌生, 到底你是不是我自以为觉得很值得象SH一样爱着的那个? 还是其实心里深处还有着很爱的另一个她的那个?

为什么我要知道那么多? 我是个很犯贱的人, 我往往很喜欢知道一些我不想知道的事情!
我很爱比较, 你会不会爱我比爱她多? 爱我爱得奋不顾身?
以前常常逼问你, 到底有多爱我, 到底会不会爱我到老, 现在想起, 觉得自己很自私.
为什么要控制别人来安慰自己? 他爱你, 不用逼, 他爱你, 他会让你知道他有多爱你, 他有多需要你, 他没有你会有多痛苦.
虽然没有什么恋爱经验, 但是我真的知道, 当初你没有她, 你过得很辛苦.
是否, 因为她, 你再也不敢放身去爱? 是这样吗?
如果时间能从来, 我真的希望我不要知道那么多, 也希望她能知道你对她有多有感觉.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


虽然没有什么头绪想要写些什么, 但是就是很想更新我的部落格.
最近开学了, 有几位同学都没有继续读. 但是继续读的多过没有继续的.
我们PR从10班变成5班, 所以我们参进了B2的朋友, 多人了
不知道为什么, 有些不习惯, 有一些生疏的面孔, 虽然上lecture是常常见啦! 哈哈
不知道为什么就是不喜欢问问题了, 以前在diploma时常常问问题
就连老师都说: 啊yan! 啊yan以前很喜欢问问题的哦, 现在做么酱diam?

得到时间表后, 真的很不开心, 可是星期五的课还算不错, 到12点吧了.
其它的都有个很长的break, 时间就那么浪费, 钱也是.
昨天才和同学去打羽毛球, 很累, 流很多汗, 但是很开心, 做运动是很好的.
希望每次的break time都能一起去做运动还是做些什么的, 不要回家睡觉啦.

说到我的老板呢, 之从9/15号见了老板后, 到现在, 如果不是因为要做工的话, 我想我们就不会见面到今天.
你不想念我么?! 一两个礼拜才想见我一次? 我讨厌你! =(

之从放假那段时期常去做工后, 很多offer, 但是因为读书而不能去做.
谁不爱钱? 看着那2/3百酱, 慢慢得的飞走. 几心痛啊!
还有一些因为早前答应了另外份工而不能做工钱比较高的工, 也是很心痛啊!
每次告诉自己, 没关系, 我是个学生, 不是freelancer! 不要因为眼前的快前, 忽略了我的学业.
而且我该把时间留给家人. 星期六日就是我常做工的时候, 也是我爸爸妈妈唯有的假期. 真矛盾下.

Monday, September 24, 2012

♥ Between Us ♥

Yeap, this post is about my darling and me.
Every september is a very big month for me and him, especially this year
This year september 11th is LWk 21st birthday. wootz!
Sad to heard from him that every year of his birthday, there will be no celebration, because his birthday always drop on the school holiday since kinder-garden until now! =(
This year I bought 2 present for him and treat him a meal for his 21st birthday.
Everytime people received present from me, i will felt really nervous because i really worry to see his expression and feeling when he open the present. I wish he like the present that i gave him.

So once i arrived tangkak, my darling brought me to MUAR hello kitty cafe! 
The cafe was not that special as i expected, is just a normal dessert house, just the decoration is kinda special and attractive, but the price were okay. The side dish and 1 dessert cost me around RM10 only.

The location i provided too. Make sure to do more research before u go, because we almost spend more than 1/2 hour in the same area to find this cafe. 

On his birthday, we went to Malacca for movie and korean dinner
The Dinner cost me around RM140, i though it was cheap actually, because we ordered quite alot of things. The price is okay for a korean dinner.
BUT, as a normal meal, it is FREAKING expensive!!
but i felt really happy to had a try on it. I think he like it too.
This restaurant call Daorae, they have alot of branches in KL too.
Might go and makan again ^^

( U SPOTED THIS? their exhaust fan is very close to the grill, so our shirt and hair never smell, u know la. BBQ, ur hair and shirt sure KENA! )

This is the present i gave him, an 1pieces puzzle and a braun buffel wallet. 

On the september 15th 2012, is our anniversary, this year is our second anniversary
is very important for us, because! last year we never celebrate! nothing at all!! =(
but actually, when we said that a special occasion and we need to do something special to celebrate it.
we actually do not have any idea what to do. Right?

And yeah! we wear spongebob couple tshirt on that day, hehe! (he bought it)

Darling, me and u have walk throught 2 X 356days. I really hope i can love you for my life.
Sorry to love a girl that easily get jealous, get angry, mad for no reason, act like a princess and wat so ever. But i also hope u know i REALLY love you! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chew Chew Chow tofu


普通PM都卖4块 = RM 2.50
这里卖4块 = RM 3.20,对豆腐来说的确有点贵,但是如果把她当小吃,其实价钱是不错的.

with mayonnaise and Italian style的很不错 

Sunday, August 26, 2012



之从5月开始,都很常做一些freelance job,所以有点外快.

有些同学没有继续读advance diploma,所以考试的最后一天晚上



Wednesday, June 20, 2012


A duet group that i have love them for sometime. i think almost 2 years?
Jayesslee, they were youtube star as they posted their very first video on youtube
and so they collected for more than 12,000,000 views! Im one of them =D
officially missing you - Jayesslee (go have a look)

They are twin that mixed Australian and Korean. The way they sing had amazed me.
Guitar and just acapella are my favourite. That exactly how they do.
I learn alot from them.
I feel so comfort when listening to their songs.
Usually, they sang some hitz song with guitar version.
The outcome is good and feel lighter with the guitar effect.

Try to have a look and subscribe them =)
bet you won regret

This is the way their do it. 
simple but yet nice. 

they are beautiful twin 

They are coming on this coming saturday =(
i missed. im working on that day.
i hope they will come soon, as in reallt SOON! 
i wanna go for their live 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Taman Negara

Hi, bloggers, Im here finally.
Last month, my last post but was"nt about my life, is just some feelings that have no place to be share.
So today, Im gonna update about my recent life
The one that i wanted to highlight is i went to TAMAN NEGARA at PAHANG
For me, it was a very tough tough tough place for us as we really do hiking in cave, walking in the jungle where there are mud everywhere
We went to canopy walk, deer land, elephant land, boat riding to the orang asli area.

Papa and mama
Sisters and i 

When we are in the cave, this part is best part 

Canopy Walk 

Random, but i thought im looking good! 

The moment when everybody felt bless after having a tough walk in to the cave