Thursday, December 26, 2013

Love is unpredictable

Recently, i saw alot of of my friend get engaged, broke up with boyfriend, get married.

It was somehow very very surprise for me, during my age of 18. My cousin's cousin get married because of pregnant. Sign, should i said that's too early? Or am not that open?
Maybe is just me myself, i think that getting marry in 18-20 is still too young for me.
While i am still enjoying my life with no worry with no pressure to take, no burden to carry.
I got to tie myself with another 1 forever? Hmmm...

Some of my friend broke up. The relationship was not like 1 year or 1 year plus.
Is like 4 years minimum. It was very shocking!
In my thought, i always wanted to find a person that i could walk through until the end of my life.
I thought the relationship will be maintain after 2 years and he might be the one that i can hold forever.
But, in the reality, it is not what i thought.
The longer the relationship go, the higher the risk of broke up.

Many of my friends, those who i thought, or not just me. That everyone thought that they will be getting married very soon. Or fore sure they will marry in future.
However, they are the one who will not marry or be together at last.

Throughout the experiences or the witnesses that i have gone through.
This broke up case that keeps happening around me, makes me questions myself.
Am i going on the right way? I am the person that wish to have everything plan and wish it happen as what i plan.
If it never goes what i thought, better for it not to start.

Every time we talk about future. It really seems that we have a clue about our future.
A lot of confident between us and i believe that our relationship will last forever.
However, problem that we could not solve, we even plan about break up in future.
He seems like very calm and easily accept the fact of breaking up. I felt so heart broken and i really wish to stop this relationship immediately because of his answer.
If you are not holding this believe why am i want to start?

The one who be with you for 4 years 5 years or plus will never be your husband.
The one who be with you for 3 months 4 months will the right choice.
That's why people always said :在错的时候,遇上对的人,在对的时候,遇上错的人。
The one you love the most will never be your forever partner.
The one who be you meet for 3/4 months who best SUIT you are not the one who you love the most.
When you find someone who you think is really suit, regardless time, you both will wish to get marry immediately.
This is life. I should always apply this theory around. Lol

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

November and December

现在希望能看着她宝宝快高长大,干妈一定买很多衣服给你穿的,让你做个fashion baby!

那科叫public relations & advertising and marketing.最无奈的一科,有位很奇怪的老师。
还是他们根本没有把我们当朋友?很'yihei' 哦。。。


今天是Christmas eve, 男朋友去星加坡作工。今年的圣诞,跨年,都没有你了。

所以那张纸,没有问题! 还有两张,慢慢看吧。时间还很多!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

21st November in my life

Its been awhile, so many things happen recently.
The love one came back, and he went off again. 
So fast 5month has over, but the night mare started. 
He is going to Singapore for his future, so the coming monday,
which is tomorrow, he is going to start his first day.
I did not know what should i say.
Very happy that he able to find the job, but 
very sad to being separate with him for 1 year. 

It suppose to be the time where couple have their sweet time,
enjoying their previous moment. But im alone. 
I felt very lonely sometime. It seems that im very happy
most of the time. But inside, nobody know. 
I wish the time pass faster until the month of May for
me to UK. 

Besides, is the month of november, is my birthday.
I purposely lock my birthday date at facebook to see 
who do remember my birthday. I am very glad that most of my friend 
remember it! Im glad to have you all. 
So the first celebration was with my classmate. The very first time, 
all of us hang out until morning. From 6.00pm until the next morning 8.00am. 
It was a very special memories, i will always remember. 
I suppose this is the last time we hang out till the morning in KL? 
Looking forward for our next memories before we graduate. 
Seriously appreciate you all.

So it comes to the second celebration with my deariest VIPs
I would like to thanks everyone of you all because i know 
we are from different place, south, east, west bla bla bla.
Thanks for the corporation to make this happen. 
I know you all piss off and argue for my birthday. 
Felt sorry but thank you also for all of the effort and surprise.
Its been awhile to see all of you all and enjoy this funny and crazy moment 
with you all. PS: do not celebrate at FRIDAY because it is freaking crazy.
I felt so happy but shy at the same time!

Last with my bitches, bring me to Bangsar Village for Plan B. 
Saids is brunch but we do it on 3.15. LOL high tea with brunch food?
We order to the max. Ended up we full up to the tank!
Nice meal and so we went to Baskin Robbin, at first wanted to go for 
Dip n Dip. But it was too crowded =( Nevermind, next time!
Enjoy the moment with you. Its been awhile for us to catch up too 
because we always met last time, now i think twice a month already 
is good for us. Thanks for the present that i kept mentioned!
haha. Love it so much. I wish we keep meeting weekly or twice a month okay? 

And with my family, although mother is flying off the work, 
but thanks for the sweet sweet cake. 
At least we have the cut cake session together before mommy fly to work.
So followed by Sam and the gang, i know we have lost contact for sometimes.
But thanks for the effort calling each of the friend.
At least to have a catch up and sing k session.
Enjoy your life in New-Zealand. 

Lastly on my actual birthday, with the one and only one.
I received the present 2 weeks before. Thanks for all of the present.
I like it so much and thanks for the meal and nice day.
Love you so much. 

Thanks for all of my friends for the present and celebration. 
You guys make my 21st birthday with the wonderful foot stop. 

I will continue to run for my life and make my life as colourful as i can.
No one will affect my future life.
No matter how hard, how tough it is.
I will bear with it, until i achieve what i want !

Sunday, September 1, 2013

信心 1/9/13

最近放假了, 钱继续努力的赚, 努力的找工作.
但是最近钱财上遇到瓶经. 之从上个学期, 很少做工后, 都一直找不到工作.
现在只能慢慢的看着自己的钱包, 越来越薄, 银行里数目, 越来越少.

不开心, 真的很不开心.
一直以来, 我都是个很有信心的人, 无论是什么事情上.
但是, 每次每次都因为自己做不到. 让我感觉很失落.
一直以为自己是行的, 但是不见得真的是行的!

我很好胜, 我永远都要赢, 如果输了, 我就会自爆自气, 或是做些不服输的东西.
很讨人厌, 一点体育精神都没有.
我知道这样是不对的. 过度有信心, 是自恋. 过度好胜, 是刁蛮.
我就是喜欢比较, 什么都要拿来比较.
无论是钱, 成绩, 朋友, 才能, 感情, 男朋友, 还有......都爱拿来比较.

最近因为放假, 不断得在找工作,
好胜, 爱比较的我, 又回来了.
看到朋友不是比我资深的, 不比我好看的, 得到那分工作, 我会感到非常不爽.
非常不开心, 为什么, 为什么, 为什么, 几千个为什么?
为什么她可以得到那分工, 为什么agent对她那么好, 为什么她工钱比我高?
为什么她就是那么多工作, 多到不用特地去找工作, 为什么她可以不去面试就能得到那么好的工作. 为什么我每天努力的找找找, 和send send send profile, 都没有人来打电话给我?
我只是要有工作啊, 难道那么小小的愿望都那么难实现吗?
我不是没有努力啊, 我很努力, 天天得找, 天天得send, 但是什么成绩都没有!!!
真的非常不开心, 不爽!!!

每次都问自己, 真的有那么差吗? 自己真的有那么糟糕吗?
就真的要面对现实, 我, 陈紫茵 真的其实不适合在继续做工? 不适合在继续找这些工作?
为什么是我? 我真的不明白! 为什么别人可以???? 为什么我就不可以??

每次每次的信心都被打败了, 让我非常担心我的未来.
一直以来, 自己想好的, 篇好的未来, 到底会不会又被打败呢?
自己想的东西, 到底我是不是就不要想那么多?
可是如果不想那么多, 我怎么把握我自己的未来呢?

我能怎样? 我到低头能怎样?

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Happy holiday! NO doubt. This semester is the toughest one.
5 subject and i have finally overcome it! Not too bad, but one of the subject makes me down.
Seriously, i really do not know what am i writing on the paper. Brain is empty but many words still throwing out non-stop.
One of the study group we had with our Teacher until midnight @ Sri Rampai Old Town.
Like finally, IS holiday. I am having 1 month holiday from august 23 until September 23!

On the last paper, we went to publika for Makan session. And i met my love one - Salon De Chocolat. OMG is so freaking nice especially if you are a chocolate lover.

We had our so call dinner on 5.30pm @ NAMOO. A famous Korean restaurant.
Not bad, but not very nice to be frank. Rating 6/10 from me.
Perhaps it famous for it dessert not the main course. But their food is healthy though. NAMOO is not a original Korean restaurant i think. I still prefer the original Korean restaurant like Bee Won - Cheap and nice.

Have a look on the food.
The bread is made up of rice, Very healthy.
Hungry fella 
Kimchi Soup
Beef Burger

And we went to meet my love one - Salon De Chocolat.
The cafe was small, available seat only up to 10 seats i think, and the menu only limited to those chocolate topping food like crepe, waffle, doughnut and so on. But the chocolate is freaking nice!!!!!
While besides the seats, there a chocolate selling counter where many of their homemade chocolate.
Selling 100G with range of RM 20-30++. The Chocolate was nice too. The promoter give me some of the chocolate sample. It was tempting!
The counter bar

My friend total of 4, we ordered the chocolate crepe. OMG! It is not enough for us because we all are super chocolate lover. Lets have a look on the menu and the crepe.

The Menu
The Chocolate Crepe - Mixed Chocolate (White, Milk, Dark) cost RM 14.90 with NO EXTRA TAXES

If u guys are going with more than 5, I suggest u guys call them for pre-booking because the place is extremely small. 
Here, their information and location.
Outlet :Salon Du Chocolat
Lot No.:G2 - 26 / G2 - 27
Location:LEVEL G2
Contact No:+603-6211 2300

Lastly we went to Barfly, a pub. My friend ordered a tower because they said the beer was cheap.
So Thats the journey of the day. Thank you for reading. Happy holiday! JOB PLEASE COME TO ME =D

Saturday, August 17, 2013

New Love - 自拍神器 Casio ZR 1000

用了那么久, 我终于有时间介绍下我的小白. 它可是有来头的哦, 特地从johor带回来的呢.
它让我提醒掉胆了差不多一个星期. 一直打电话叫我男朋友去那相机店问.

现在, 它已经与我在一起了差不多4个月了.
看看, 我的小白 - CASIO 出名的 自拍神器 系列里的 ZR 1000.
我这架是在tangkak, johor买的, 所以价钱还算便宜. RM 1250. 在现在市场上, 我觉得都应该是 1299-1399 之间吧. 来看看我的小白的size和颜色.

说真, 如果你是个超级自拍狂, 我真的热烈推荐你们买CASIO自拍神器!
可是, 照片出来的效果真的真的很漂亮, 所以, 我会觉得照片 是 照骗.
他们会觉得TR系列相机会比较好. 说真的, 真的比较好, 为什么呢, 因为它的画装程度很高, 除了微美, 它还可以帮你打blusher呢.
TR系列比较focus在于自拍, 而ZR呢, 可以拍很多东西, 它也是又画妆的level, 但是它没有帮你打blusher. 但是这ZR拍出来的效果已经够自欺欺人了. 但是女人就是喜欢被骗吗. 哈哈.
我不知道要怎么形容, 来看我一些自恋照骗吧.
flash light
自拍时, 可是把相机银幕反过来看.

这效果是相机本身有的哦! 很漂亮!

我给它9/10分, 至于那1分就是没有internal wifi.

wifi memory card. 
随时随地都可以拍, 随时随地都可以po上网. 
只需要 RM 85 for 8GB. 便宜啊!
可是啊, 可能是因为便宜, 所以不是很好用.
似乎很容易坏. 才用不5个月. 
但它有5年warranty. 还可以接受. 
但是如果有的选, 记得不要买这牌子哦. (个人建议) 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Toughest Semester to UK

So.. i suppose i have finally done my 3rd semester in advanced diploma.
So next semester, it will be my 2nd year of advance diploma.
This semester, as the lecture said, this is the toughest semester throughout the whole advanced diploma.
After this semester, you will be flying to UK already.
Like finally, i have done it.

However, i kinda worry on my exam. As i am taking 5 paper in this semester.
From the very first day until now, seriously, my stress have never away from me.
It has follow me from the first day, the lecture told us about our assignment, event, coursework and so on.
Until the real execution of our assignment, event and also mid-term or end-term test.
The stress never stop. Until today, the stress is getting more and more serious.
I think i got 2 weeks plus before my final exam which on 16 of august, my first paper - STATISTICS.

It seems that, it has been awhile for me to step into the examination hall because last semester is our internship.
I still remember the very semester of advance, i got a shocking result !
I never though my result would be so shit! sucks like shit!
Ever since that day, i tell myself, i think i am not those clever kind of student? And im not those hardworking student too. What should i do?

Shall i continue my confident? Or shall i study hard like the others, but that is not my style of study.
During this whole semester, i admit that this is the most hardworking time of myself throughout the entire life!

Chelsea Chan! You must be smart, must be rational, when it come to study, please study, i know now is raya time. But not for you to play.

Listen to your lectures! After this semester, you can fly to UK already.

Stay focus! Your target is waiting for you.
Chelsea Chan! Hwaiting! Jiayous!
I must go UK!!!!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Im Alone

I am so lost right now. Feeling sad, ask me why? i would say dunno 
What? why? how? who? i know, but i dun feel like sharing. I dun feel like pin pointing anything, anyone.
I am very tired. Sometime, I just wanna be alone. Escape in this world.
They said, those who walks alone, will be success in future.
I hope it is true, but, by the time i walk until the end, i think i had already died before the end.
I am not that tough, i need support, i need hand to hold, i need shoulder to lie, i need heart that i can throw out the real to them and they will never go away. 
Who is the one?

I feel so lost now, dear god, please help me. 
the moment i saw everyone walks away from me.
the awkward moment when u wanna cry so badly but you are in the public.
the moment when you think the one who never give you up but they gave you up. 
the moment when you think the one you trusted did not trust you.
the moment when the one you support join to against you.

Asking myself, Who am i? What am i to others? but why? why do i care about others feeling and thought?
Live for myself, but not for them.
But, my life is full of others. If my life is only me, then i am so alone.
I cant live alone, i cant do it solo, i need companion, i need people who really stand on my side.
Sometime, i wanna share, but i dunno how to share out my feeling. I wish i have a mind-reader. 
I am just nothing. Nothing. Nothing ! 
I am just nobody. Nobody. Nobody ! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Yat Beng Woh - Steamboat Buffet @ Scott Garden

Last few week, me and my boyfriend went to this steamboat restaurant in Scott Garden.
It was quite surprising as the choice are variety, the soup consider so so.

The restaurant name " YatBengWor - Ah Beng steamboat".
Do uguys know who is Ah Beng? Is actually one of our famous local DJ as well as actor + director.
He open this restaurant and the business was not bad.
So my boyfriend went to do some research and so we have our "Lunch" here.
RM 28.80/pax for Lunch
RM 31.80/pax for Dinner 

There are buffet and also head counts in this steamboat. So for those who could not eat much can choose those sets for a head.
I feel surprise when i get to know that this steamboat restaurant is opening until late for those hungry cat during midnight only applicable on Friday and Saturday. They are doing "Lok Lok style" for the midnight hungry cat. =D not bad huh?

12.00am to 3.00am every friday and saturday!
RM 2.50 per stick.

So i would like to share some of the picture that i capture inside the restaurant.

 So this the sauce counter, the (chilly + garlic) is not bad.
Yes, there have this mash potato machine, but the outcome is not that nice. Perhaps it is not ready yet when i tried it.
 Their set up is similar to the sushi bar that we usually see in the sushi rest. Not bad, cause for me kind of lazy girl prefer to just eat but not walking around for food. LOL

 Attention for Meat lovers - They have Free Flow of bacon, beef, pork, chicken, fish, abalone as well!

  So this is my pot. 
Trust me, U should not missed the pork slice! It is so nice and it can almost beat Momo Paradise at Kepong (almost) 

 Their chicken wings is nice! Not to forget their fried snacks that they send constantly. Remember this and the taiwan sausage! =)

If uguys are looking for some unlimited food, can try this restaurant.

Rating 8.0/10

Check their facebook incase my post did not provide sufficient information.

Call 03-7972 0480 for reservation or more enquirers ya. 

For navigation, Type Scott Garden, and it will lead you there.

The restaurant is just at the 1st floor. Slightly opposite Cocoon Bar. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5/5/13 :The country government are hiring Foreigner to fraud vote for our country.


Im writing on the time of 10 minutes to 6. Which this is the time for the counting agent to count the votes in a clean and fair system. The vote has finally end. There is no need to fight with each other anymore.
Today, is a very historical day for me, for our country. Today is our country election day after the 55 years of the same ruling party governing our country. We believe is a time to change, UBAH. Although we did not know that opposition party is better than the current government, but we want to change to see the different. Is time to change! Ini Kali Lah!

Before the exact day, there are many issue, problem, tons of rumor where we did not know whether is it true or not. But based on what we see, mostly the rumor are true.

I feel very sad and disappointed when i get to know that our dearly government is hiring thousand over foreigner from Bangla to join our country election! What? Foreigner? For your own country? Voting for your country future? YES! This is true, our country election are being participated by the brainless foreigner !!!

To the extent, the dearly government even pay RM 500.00 to each of the foreigner as what we hear. They made IC for them to allow them to have fraud vote in our election. The dearly government even provide air ticket for them to come to Malaysia as well as accommodation and food for them. You can see there are tons of the bangla have arriving KLIA yesterday and they are coming with 1 Malaysia Bus to the voting station. LIKE A LOU SAI !

Most of the patriot citizen appear to beat them when they see these 'ghost voters' during the voting day. However, we must be rational, the one who be blame should not be them, instead of that, the one who giving order from behind. The bangla is innocent ! Please be rational, Just catch them, prevent them from voting and most important send them back to Bangla. But first we must confiscate their IC! Because they have no right to owned one !

This is so stupid, just because victory is rolling the country, you are calling the foreigners to vote for you? They have no right to change our future! BIG FAIL!

How will the other country think about us?
How to be an independent country if our future is vote by foreigners?
How to achieve 2020 if the rolling party is still doing this kind of dirty ways in order to win in the election?

We just want a better country, we just want to have the right to choose our government,

If this batch, the ruling party is still the government of the country, i believe the immigration rate will increase 50% higher as well as the bangla employment rate. SHAME ON U dearly government.

I love Malaysia, but not the Government.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Internship 2013

I am studying in TARC taking mass communication advanced diploma. Within one of our semester, we are suppose to take a three month period to do our internship in certain company.

Talk about internship, it depends how are think about the purpose,
For instance, some of them might think that this is a very good chance to expose to what is the future for them.
Some of them might think that this is just a waste of time, one of my friend even said they are working like a dog, and get paid like a maid, because we are cheap labour for them. 

So i happen to work in a company name "Perception Management". A PR agency which their work are very formal, internal, corporate. For example, Pantai Hospital, Tropicana Medical Centre, Department of Standards Malaysia. Where this is a Office work, so I am working from 9.00am to 6.00pm, every weekdays. A very standard Office hour for the OL and OB. 

Hmmm.. and for myself, for the 1st week, i do really learn a lot of things. Some of the job scope are totally beyond what i thought as a PR should do. For example, media interview for Hospital because they are not allow to advertise themself. Messenger coaching to the CEO, to teach the CEO how to talk how to present their thought when the media question them and so on. This is really a nice and precious experiences!

 However, when it comes to second month and so on, i felt very boring already! The consultant / senior only call us to finish the things that they could not finish on time. There are tons of call and follow up with the media everyday, which is also part of our job in future.

I am very active person. I like to engaged with the client and media. I prefer client servicing and handling the media during the event. I felt very frustrated when i have to sit on the same place, same sit, facing the same laptop everyday from 9.00am to 6.00pm. The only thing that can make me feel excited is lunch time. How lifeless am i? I hate office work from the bottom of my heart !!

Like finally, it has come to the end, on the last day of my internship, the company belanja makan at KOPITIAM. Thanks for the lunch. The colleague are very friendly and nice when it comes to lunch time. I understand when is the time for work and for fun, so i do really appreciate the lunch time with them as they are really very fun person!  

So we have a speech session to talk about what do we think about our internship, which my colleague and classmate -> Kenny is giving his speech before me. 

Thanks for the precious experience and the things that you all teaching me. For sure i will drop by to have lunch with you all in future. However, i would never come back to work for you all. =)

They are constantly taking intern, if you are a mass communication student, and you are looking for a company for your internship. Please do not hesitate to contact them on

Perception Management International Group

Suite 16-7, 16th Floor, Wisma UOA II
21 Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Tel : (603) 2166 0006 / 2166 0009
Fax : (603) 2166 0038