Sunday, January 22, 2012


新年来咯... 新年来咯... 最有气氛的节日...
今年依然有大街小巷都在唱的新年歌 from ASTRO群星
不错听, 还有我满多朋友都在参与

今年的新年衣, 虽然是买很多, 但是刚才开了来看, 其实还不够, 算啦吧, 我还有瞒多的衣服是少穿的, 所以还可以派上用场
况且, 过年对我来说都不过是在家, 亲戚家, 拜年拜年在拜年... 
家的LED灯线, 我是觉得美啦

其实, 我在家很闷!!
我染了个新发色, 知道是什么颜色吗??
但是染了一个礼拜, 颜色依然一直在掉

Wanted to know about the readers...

Do you all actually....

A) do read the post from up to toe
B) just jumping on and off in a post
C) depends on the title to read about

just wanted to know, mind to share? lets vote!

Monday, January 9, 2012


终于, 到了最后一张考卷了... 就在后天, 我就考完试了
熬了那么多天, 其实也不是熬, 只是觉得很闷...
醒来, 读书, 吃午饭, 读书, 吃晚饭, 读书, 睡觉
虽然, 其实真正读的时间没有很多, 多数都是在发呆...

有一天, 晚上我正在读书...
收到一个电话, 说你们都在云顶... 
很好玩哦... 电话来给我看有多好玩...

考完试过后的感觉很爽, 因为可以放松自己...
最近都很迟睡, 不是普通的迟, 是很很很很迟...
最近也吃很多, 比普通多? 还是我的胃又变大了? 哈哈

做工? 之外呢?
过年要来咯, 要买衣服了, 每年的过年, 就是我买多多衣服的时候...
假期假期, 希望能充实的过 =)


Wednesday, January 4, 2012


hello readers, is been awhile i did not update my blog. Finally is time now.
recently i've been busying with my final exam. the timing is soooo not NGAM!
my christmas, my countdown and my so on festive all happen during the exam
but however, i still get to celebrate for both the festive. =)

is 2012, the movie makes all of us afraid of end of the world, really?
it does not affect me alot, but? the 1st dream of mine in 2012, is the end of the world. wth
seeing the past year, im gonna write some emotionssss post here

the people, the things, the case around me that happen in the past year
does these makes me mature?
i dun think so, however i stated to feel myself have such a childish mind
last time, i would like to show off, now, i would not, but i sooner become small gas, sensitive and pampered person.
i feel sad and i cry, im so useless
i try to be tough, i try to be strong and but i cant control
why? why i have become such a useless girl? look to the past, im not a kind of girl like this.
but why i have changed?
i also dunno

2011, 有365天, 过得真的很快, 常说闷, 闲, 无聊, 其实都过得很快

一起读书的朋友, 忙功课, 忙到吵架, 忙到伤感情, 其实都是好的回忆

熟的朋友, 有话之说, 笑的一起笑,吵的一起吵, 过后, 都忘了, 这些都是真心话, 好朋友就是这样, 在一起没有心计, 没有收收买买, paling TRUE!!

中学时期的朋友, 都很不见, 近期大家都有车, 都能出来见见面, 大家感情依然没变, 是好事

在营里一起生活了3个多月的朋友, 现在依然联络, 我们的第三年友情, 虽然唱见面的只剩下少少, 但是我们友谊不要变, 最亲那位, 我真的很珍惜你咯~ 我们要好好的一起
最近我的朋友, 跟你们一起出去很开心, 对不起如果我说话直率, 友谊万岁!

我最爱的,QAD, 我们的第一年, 2011 365天都有你, 我很开心, 谢谢你从来没有觉得我不够好, 谢谢你守护我的每一分每一秒, 对不起我让你心痛, 对不起我让你失望, 对不起我没有信心, 所以有时会说出些很极端的话, 但是, 无法否认, 我永远都离不开你, 我真的很爱你.

nahhhhh, 2012, must be more mature thinking be strong be tough!